Grazing the Corners

Sunday, July 30, 2006

vik, big J cat was hunkerd down on a wee little bird today. he can also enter the house by the back screen door. creak, slam. the boy has learn the ropes. runs the whole yard with big sauntering loops. talks alot too. a regular guy. dada.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I have become a yoga addict and my poor mother has become my newest victim. We went to one of crazy Brandon's classes and she reacted just like you did, remember? Gmom sent you a package so let us know when you get it (remember to mind your p's and q's just in case she left that out) We all miss you and look forward to hearing about more of your adventures. This message is also a tutorial for Auntie Kathy so stay tuned everyone for her first post!
Love you all!
Cuz Claire

I am in fact in Downingtown with grandmom. I am out on the town this morning and just posted your pack of letters fromthe home front. The postman said it will take 4 to 8 days!! So keep your eyes open. I am on Lisa's super bike and found the town library, I used to come here all the time when I was a kid and when I opened the door the entryway looked just the same. I don't think they have painted the shelves in 40 years. After I write this I will wander around and see what memories spring to life. What a trip!! I have to learn to be still and just be here for grandmom, that is difficult but perhaps it is my zone right now and it is good. I miss Leah and Sarah and the circle of Schrader but I'll be home soon. "Be well, do good work and stay in touch." Love to you ,Mom

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hey Vik!!
Its me, leah, I'm home and so happy to be here in the green green and the honey water.... The family went to see some independent films last night, one was about three generations of women living stranded for twenty years on the shifting sand dunes of brazil, and the other was the story of a young man's struggle with AIDs and its stigma in India as told by his family and friends (super cheesy Indian film, but super powerful story). The love of the family for their son and brother made us all miss you a lot. We love you so much vik!!!!!!
I am sitting here mostly unemployed, picking songs to learn for the fiddle contest. Sarah is babysitting, she is the tannest little thing I ever did see from life guarding! Dad is at Ecopelagicon doing whatever it is that he does there (drinking coffe and borrowing demo CDs!). and mom just called from south station in boston where she is listening to a street quartet and waiting for a train to PA. She's going to stay with g-mom for a few weeks, did you know that she broke her collar bone (grandmom that is)?
I am drifting in and out of the passing bits of my reality, the river of love sprung up by children in so many places, the shifting beaches of the past build by sand spilling from the walls and alleyways of this town, the stacks of written and blank pages that lay in wait for me one more time at school.
I love you so much and wonder about your life all the time, I can't wait until you start your project, it will be so wonderful to hear how it unfolds. Knowing who you are is so reassuring because I have no doubt that the friendships that you are building there are rich and wonderful.

With eyes held carefully open my brother places one foot in front of the other leaving the notes of his heels and toes to be read by the ocean's orchestra. I close my eyes and pretend to hear, and the music is all there.
love and love

Friday, July 14, 2006

Grazing the Corners

Well thanks to Claire I can now write on the main page and tell you guys whats up in the 617. First of all the weather is almost as bad as what Lon was describing only we may be 5-10 degrees cooler which really makes no diference when all you can see is asphault and concrete. No major injuries to report but people keep asking me if I've found a new best friend yet and if its different with Vik not around. The best line of come up with so far is this, "I lived in the same room as Vik for 5 years and that doesnt count the time back home. So basically I'm trying to figure out how to live with out a hand. Sure you can get a hook but its still not quite the same." I thought that was pretty good after 17 budweisers. Anyway, as for the song, Claire said she has a kid that sings the Jay Z (I think it was Jay Z anyway) song, "dust that dirt off your shoulder..." or something like that. Just tell them its the urban version of the wheels on the bus, you could even try hand motions.
Other than that people in Boston are leaving by the day. Red, Steve, Leann, Git and all those guys are more or less out of here; we had a blow out weekend last weekend. I'll spare Shirley the details but it was quite a blow out. We were at the North End for probably 11 hours so you can pretty much figure what it would be like with those fools for that long with all those bars in between.
Work is pretty crazy. I have 4 main jobs I am working on that will probably not end for the next 3 years or something. One is for the MWRA evaluating the facilities between the Quabbin Reservoir and proposing upgrades, one capital improvements plan (CIP) for Salem MA, that involves telling the town how to not lose as much money on there drinking water system; one for the upgrade of a Wastewater Treatment Plant trying to get Government grants to pay for it and basically stop the plant from pumping wastewater into the rivers; and then making a water distribution system models for various towns; all this translates into I'm in way over my head and just trying to figure out which way is up. other than that work is going good!

Anyway this is probably rediculously long so that will be my blog for the next month or so... Glad to see everyone is well and see you all when I see ya.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Grazing the Corners
Hey All!! just dropping in to say HI! All is well here at home base. We are all enjoying the 95 degree days with 110% humidity. Welcome to PA, gotta loveit!
Well Vik, hope all is well in Samoa and I'm sure your having fun. Wish I was there to see you in action. Here is the update on my current injury list. #1 It was a tick bite on the back of my leg, no limes tho, pheww! #2 Seperated shoulder A/C joint by 6mm, feels good cause I got pain killers, woo hoo. "Every little ting is gonna be allright" -Bob-
Aunt Shirl and Sarah, thanks for being there for the ride. You guys are the best and I love you very much, all is well and we continue to smile everyday.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Just got off the boat that brought me back to Upolu after a first few days in Sava'i . I wen to visit a volunteer on the farthest corner of the island, in a town caled Pau-Pau, one of the last villages in to world to see the sun everyday. I went to get a little taste of what a 'day in the life' of a true PCV is like. Luckily we were pretty close match. We shared similar goals and expectations. He's been in country for about a year (Maka is his name). Hes got a neat little garden project going through which he is attampting to promote diversity, both in gardens and diets. Even though plants grow like crazy here diets include hardly any fruits and vegitables. He has also been spending sometime at the primary school, about 2 days a week. Teaching basic science and doing some simple leadership building activities.

He picked me up at the warf and we hopped on a bus, my first because PC has been driving us everywhere. It was a heavy 1st dose - 2 1/2 hours on a little wooden frame, including the 16 2 person bench seats. I was cursing my bony Pomento ass the whole way!!! The main rule is that talking is a no-no. Samoans seemed to have developed a non-verbal language for the trips, one very unknown to me. I got king of luck on my first trip and there weren't many folks traveling, but i know they can get pretty packed. Sitting on laps i very common, and now i think it may be more comfortable than the seats. Granted you get a nice cushioned pair of thighs!!

On our trip to the school the 4th/5th level (grade) teacher asked if i wanted to teach and sing the kids a song. I was already in front of the class and could tell they would be pretty disapointed so i went to work. -This is where the Pomento really helped out!- I grabbed the eraser, cleared to board, wrote down a few lines, turned around, smiled at the eager eyes, and busted out Row Row Row Your Boat!!!! With hand motions!!! within ten minutes they had it down, were harmonizing, and dancing along. I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day, that connection, even on this simple simple level is what i've been craving and excited about.

If you have anymore song suggestions send them over. Hand motions are great but not essential.

I hope you liked to pics. I'll have somemore of my host family when i get back, this wont be for another 3 weeks.

I hope the wedding went well!!! Sent my congrats to Tiz.

Leah-Thanks for your note, cant wait to check out your blog, and see some pics. Please have a safe trip home!!

Lots of love.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Can´t wait until you have a sec to write some more, but sure you´re experiences are beyond words anyway!!
I am thinking of you a lot, can´t even imagine what you are seeing and feeling and smelling and hearing!
I am doing really well, today we hiked up into a mountain village where a lot of the kids we´re working with live. It is a shanty town built on a nearly vertical mountain face by people displaced by violence outside of the city. I have never seen such poverty. It is a hard thing to hold, little makeshift shacks leaning on eachother, tin rooves held down with broken bricks, little kids everywhere, carrying eachother around, kicking trash, making the best out of it as kids are so great at doing. I was filled with a million little beginnings of ideas to help, but know that its not that easy. I envy the time that you get to spend in Samoa so that you can actually try to sit on a few attempts to support those who are so resilliant to want and need.
I fly to peru on friday for a short week. I have been so privelaged to be here. I am glad that you are seeing too.
This world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love and love and love you!

Well Whats UP!!!! Just got back from our first trip to a true Samoan village. My new fam was great, very accomidating, was tough to leave. I have tons of stories but i have to run...sorry about the tease!!!!

I headed out to play some golf with a few volunteers...and two lady's from the Samoan national golf team!! About to get creamed.

Hope all is well, wish you were here and i'll be back on monday!!!!

Toifealoat'i - Talk to you soon!!!


V... sarah and mom drove to PA. last night to hook up with the family and then on to the wedding. I'll miss the ocean there the most. guess your getting plenty of that. people asking about you and leah. she's in columbia as you know and a big poem came a week ago. I ask her to try and learn the rhythm's of the salsa and maranga there. mom picked up a cd, " the music of oceania"... has some old recordings from different times including the history of the german and new zealand occupations and the songs of rebellion. also cleaning out the garage. found a book" once were warriors " by a new zealand author, alan duff. everyones seems to be in a good place. let's keep it that way with spirit and searing light. love. dada.