Fiji on a flipflop
Many places in this world the budget we kept during this trip would have been laughable but being seasoned PC volunteers we packed our frugality and made Fiji work on less than $500 for almost 2 weeks. We are learned in the way of Fijian public transportation, especially the car pool minivans which are the most inexpensive but theme park scary method available and employed our "throw a can of tuna in that" habit of cooking, which we did ourselves in our Dutch wooden clogs and windmills esq. bungalow. For fun we stuck to our "once you go cheap you never go back" approach and snuck into luxury hotels to satisfy our need for the high life. Here's a few pic's to put it into perspective and add a bit of color to the lives of those back home wrapped in winters cold white blanket.
Nothing like explosive goat curry to clear out the sinuses!
Looking on home base from the pool.
Sarah borrowing the royal chair at the 5 star worthy Outrigger Hotel.
A filtered look at a market corner in Sigatoka where we got our first glimpse of the ethnic diversity in Fiji.
Here's a very very narrow glimpse at Suva, its actually just the bus stop. We did spend a day there, getting Sarah some antibiotics at the Peace Corps office, drooling for two hours in the supermarket (its been a while), shuffling among the shops.
A real Suva butcher!
These pots are maid from a variety of local trees and are driftwood like in design. I looked everywhere for one that was affordable and ended up taking home a small vase, a shard of these magnificent pieces but a token of the art.
Single file taro in the market.
This is the largest Hindi temple in the southern hemisphere. It was being redone and got to take a peak at the new ceiling art depicting Hindi gods acting out traditional stories. No pics allowed though....sorry.
This officer's outfit would certainly be a national security concern in the US.
Finally we were forced to leave but got a quick photo next the a chili pepper poster in order to
enforce the well known fact that Fiji is "HOT like a CHILI".