Grazing the Corners

Friday, February 16, 2007

Its me! I haven't hit the old blog in a while and am splashed with joy and love to see your pictures and hear your stories. Hope you had a good v-day, I held a lovefest for single girls to assuage some of the brooding that seems to sweep over my kind on this day. We got a huge snowstorm and everything was canceled, so we went sledding and I made my room into a sheet fort and we all sat in there and drank hot coca and read children's books. Everyone felt loved, even the random guy that followed us into the fort- nevermind who he is, just share the love! I am about to plunge into study jail where I will remain until tuesday when I have to hand in my senior midway so they can say 'hmmm, interesting." or "sorry sister!" Should be ok, I have too much privelage to complain about a stinking paper!
I am reading Dante's Inferno for my class- evokes a firey and twisted movie in my mind. But it is even more interesting to think about someone pulling all of their conceptions and their societie's connections to Divine space out of the imagination and into the elevatated public eye, for one of the first times. Humans are so weird, we invent, channel, respond, recreate.... articulating and living in a world that no one is sure exists entirely. We move towards and away from desires, virtues, needs that we may well have made up- we even try to convince others that we have found reality and the proper ways to interact with it. We all want to survive and be remembered, or to preserve or move the world forward. Where do all these yearnings come from? How do we shape and become shaped by the way that we interact with them? How does that effect the stories that lay through and around our people tales?
There are days when these questions are entirely irrelivant, perhaps among palms and children's hands you have found some quiet truth about love and peace.
Sometimes I can't help but wonder....
I love you, did you get our package?


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